Friday, September 25, 2009

into the city...

Wednesday was CSSM's first day for outreach this year and we sent out teams to a nursing home, an elementary school, a homeless shelter and a neighborhood park near the Convergence campus. I went with the team to the homeless shelter, Union Gospel Mission, and it was ah-mazing! It was great to see the joyful hearts of our students as they sorted donated clothes, worked in the kitchen and put on a chapel service. A particularly fun event was getting to pray for a lady who works at the mission. She said her hip had been hurting since the day before and she was having trouble walking. Matt Bomhoff and I asked if we could pray for healing and she said, "well, of course I'll always take prayer!" We prayed a quick little prayer and she said there wasn't any change. But as we started walking to the chapel to get ready for the service she said it started feeling a bit better. A few minutes later as our team was about to start the chapel service, she came in and sat down and said with joy "my hip feels completely better!" It's fun to see Jesus do His stuff as we walk with Him...and this is just the beginning!

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